What do you mean by pay-per-click?
PPC or pay-per-click is a Type of Digital marketing which includes sponsors paying a charge each time one of their advertisements is clicked.
Probably the most easiest method for bringing in money with pay-per-click is through promoting networks. When your site begins getting traffic, you can bring in money without accomplishing any hard work yourself.
Pay-per-click marketing can be an incredible asset in your limited time munititions stockpile. On the off chance that you will likely develop your web-based perceivability, drive traffic, create leads, and increment deals, pay-per-click (PPC) can assist you with getting those things done.

◾ How to use Pay per click method?
Businesses use PPC to drive traffic, sales, or requests from their ideal target audience . Normal PPC stages permit an outstanding depth of focusing on, implying that you can serve advertisements before those main who you consider to accommodate your client demography.
◾ How to find PPC keyword Research?
Keyword research for PPC can be unquestionably tedious, however it is likewise extraordinarily significant. Your whole PPC campaign is worked around Keyword, and the best Google Ads promoters continuously develop and refine their PPC keyword list. Assuming you just do Keyword research once, when you make your first mission, you are presumably passing up countless significant, long-tail, low cost and exceptionally important Keyword that could be directing people to your site.
◾ A Successful PPC Keyword list ought to be?
obviously, you would rather not be paying for Web traffic that doesn’t have anything to do with your business. You need to observe designated catchphrases that will prompt a higher PPC active visitor clicking percentage, successful expense per click, and expanded benefits. That implies the Keywords you bid on ought to be firmly connected with the contributions you sell.
PPC is iterative. You need to continually refine and extend your missions, and establish a climate wherein your Keyword list is continually developing and adjusting.
Your Keyword exploration ought to incorporate not just the most well known and much of the time looked through terms in your specialty, yet additionally to the long tail of search. Long-tail catchphrases are more unambiguous and more uncommon, yet they amount to represent most of search-driven traffic. Likewise, they are less cutthroat, and along these lines more affordable.
Main Focus which Types of Paid marketing ?
1. Pay Per Click
2. Pay per Install
3. PPV Or CPV- Pay Per View or cost per view