Frameworks  2023

TOP 10



Laravel is a famous and broad PHP structure, open-source PHP framework in the world known for its exquisite punctuation.

Key features:   ◽ Laravel specific functionality packages  ◽ Built-in functions Laravel Homestead  ◽ Environment Active programming community    forum


CodeIgniter is a lightweight and straightforword PHP framework for developing dynamic websites.

Key features : ◽ MVC architecture ◽ In-built security tools ◽ Content security policie ◽ Security, routing ◽ View template engine


Symfony is highly flexible PHP framework, perfect choice for developing large-scale enterprise projects launched in 2005.

Key features:   ◽ simplicity and delivering value ◽ Individual components settings ◽ Built-in debugging ◽ Excellent documentation    forum


CakePHP is one of the easiest frameworks to learn launched in 2000.

Key features:   ◽ SQL injection prevention ◽ Input validation ◽ Cross-site request forgery protection ◽ Cross-site scripting (XSS) protection ◽ Proper class inheritance    forum


Yii is best universal web programming framework, omponent-based PHP framework for developing modern web applications.

Key features:   ◽ Gii code generatorExcellent speed and performanc ◽ Highly extensible ◽ Built-in security measures    forum


Lumen is Laravel’s PHP micro-framework, fullstack PHP framework which lighter and faster tool with less configuration.

Key features:   ◽  loosely-coupled microservices ◽  high-performing APIs in PHP ◽  Faster server response time


Phalcon is MVC web architecture design pattern web application frameworks written in 2012.

Key features:   ◽ Increased execution speed ◽ Based on the C programming language ◽ a universal autoloader ◽ Top security and caching


FuelPHP is a fast, lightweight PHP 5.4+ framework. Relatively new compared to other frameworks on this list.

Key features:   ◽ A unique command-line utility ◽ Robust security measures ◽ URL routing system


Slim is the ideal framework to build a HTTP demand application or develop RESTful APIs.

Key features:   ◽  Powerful HTTP router ◽  Supports dependency injection ◽  Develop RESTful APIs and microservices. ◽  URL routing, session, and cookie encryption


PHPixie is high performing and HMVC-based PHP framework for read only website.

Key features:   ◽ Suitable for social networking sites ◽ Standard ORM (object-relational mapping ◽ Authorization capabilities, authentication    forum