Android mobile feature has countless devices and setups, some of them we are not utilizing and some of them are stowed away from us. We have made a rundown of astounding Android highlights in the admiration of your day to day existence. Here are 7 Hidden Features On Your Android Phone You Weren’t Aware Of .
Hidden Features On Your Android Phone
1. Involving Split Screen for Multi-entrusting

Ensure you can track down your telephone To expand your possibilities of recuperating a missing gadget, try to enact Android’s underlying global positioning framework. Open Settings, go to Security and tap Find My Device. From that point onward, would it be a good idea for you to lose your telephone, go to this page in any program and sign in to your Google account. In the event that you’re signed in to your record on Chrome, you can likewise type “Where’s my telephone” on the pursuit bar. You’ll have the option to see your handset’s area on a guide, among different choices, such as making the gadget ring (regardless of whether it’s in Do Not Disturb mode), locking it, or delete it. For additional subtleties, look at our manual for tracking down a lost telephone.
2. Make text and pictures more visible
If you’re battling to see what’s on the screen — or, on the other hand, if you need to pack however much satisfied as could reasonably be expected onto the presentation and wouldn’t fret doing a touch of squinting en route — you can zoom in or out on message and items. Not all the applications will answer these changes, however a large portion of them will.
To change size settings, open Settings and go to the Display heading. From that point, tap the Font size and drag the slider at the lower part of the screen to make text bigger or more modest on a case by case basis.
3.Recover unintentionally cleared warnings
Do you know this 7 Hidden Features On Your Android Phone ? Have you at any point confronted the circumstance where you tap the button to clear your warning plate, just to see a ready you expected to peruse without a second? Indeed, we realize you have, and it’s really baffling. Warnings are a fundamental piece of the telephone and even keeps individuals snared to the gadget. Fortunately, there is a way you can see each ready and warning you have gotten in the beyond couple of days. This is the way to make it happen.
- Long-push on any unfilled spot on your screen.
- Select Widgets from the menu.
- Find the Settings alternate way gadget.
- In the Settings alternate way menu look down and tap Notification log.
- Presently a Notification log easy route will show up on your home screen.
- Tap on this alternate route to see all your missed warnings
At the point when you miss a caution, tap the contraption, and you’ll see a summary of your cautions in general.
4. Moving document through Wi-Fi direct
Do you confront network issues while moving the records to your gadget? It gets pretty irritating while at the same time moving the records over an android gadget while utilizing Bluetooth to move documents which more often than not it neglects to lay out an association and when moving files does it’s quite sluggish. All things considered, we got you covered; Wi-Fi direct is another innovation that can assist you with moving documents remotely in a manner like Bluetooth.
Wi-fi direct exchange records at bursting quick velocities, which clearly are a lot quicker than Bluetooth. Like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct has something very similar “find, match and send” usefulness. Nonetheless, Wi-Fi direct isn’t generally so far and wide as Bluetooth at the present time. A couple of devices may not be Wi-Fi direct viable. The most outstanding aspect of Wi-fi direct is that it requires no outsider applications to lay out an association.
5. Change application Permission
You can see precisely how much access and permission an application has by going to Settings, tapping Apps and notices, and picking an application (or hitting See all applications to see the full rundown). Then, to see and alter that application’s entrance, tap Permissions. For instance, you could permit an application to get to your contact list yet not your area.
6. Customize notices from specific contacts
To assist you with immediately recognizing who’s calling — and to choose whether or not to get — you can appoint specific contacts one of a kind ringtones. Your default ringtone will continue as before — transform it in Settings, under Sound and Vibration, and picking Phone ringtone. To change warning settings for people, send off the Contacts application, tap the Contacts tab and afterward a contact name. Open the menu (three dabs on the upper right), and pick Set ringtone. Then you can choose a particular sound from a rundown.
7. Turn on Wi-Fi consequently
Keeping your Wi-Fi off while you’re all over town expands your telephone’s security and jam its battery. In any case, within the sight of serious areas of strength for a, Wi-Fi organization, one that you’ve utilized previously, Android 10.0 and 11.0 can naturally betray. From Settings, tap Network and Internet, then, at that point, Wi-Fi, then Wi-Fi inclinations. At last, turn on the Turn on Wi-Fi consequently flip switch.